Why Longhorn Beef?

Longhorn beef has long been known to be the leanest of bovine meat available, including bison, with less cholesterol and fat per serving than white meat (turkey & chicken) and typically contains 10% less saturated fat than other breeds of cattle.
In addition to the nutritional values of our Longhorn beef, we also work with a processing facility that is USDA inspected to ensure that our product is of the highest quality and standard for our customers.
Hawthorne Ranch beef is dry aged for a minimum of 14 days to develop the flavor profile and add to overall tenderness.
Cooking Tips:

Registered Texas Longhorn Beef cooks fast due to its low fat content. Fat acts as an insulator so the heat must penetrate the fat before it begins to cook the meat. Therefore, the less fat, the quicker the cooking time. Be careful not to overcook it.
It is never necessary to cook Registered Texas Longhorn Beef in additional fat. It contains just enough natural fat to allow it to cook to perfection.
A meat thermometer is recommended to monitor desired doneness and let rest for a minimum of 10 minutes after to allow redistribution of juices.
Treat your Registered Texas Longhorn Beef as you would wild game meat like Venison or Elk. Longhorn beef, like wild game, is delicious when cooked with reverse sear process.